We now offer international shipping to over 200 countries. Once your international order is completed, all shipping inquiries should be directed to GlobalShopex at customercare@globalshopex.com or
You may also contact GlobalShopex using any of these local International Customer Service Phone Numbers:
Australia (Sydney) Tel: (612) 9037 0252 |
United Kingdom Tel: (020) 3371 9380 |
Japan (Tokyo) Tel: (3) 4520 9639 |
Spain (Madrid) Tel: (91) 829 5114 |
South Africa Tel: (27 10) 500-2487 |
Canada (Toronto) Tel: (416) 840 5719 |
France (Paris) Tel: (01) 7666 0593 |
Mexico (DF) Tel: (52) 5553512656 |
Brazil (Sao Paulo) Tel: (55) 213958 1440 |
Peru (Lima) Tel: (51) 17087236 |
Colombia (Bogota) Tel: (1) 508 2859 |
Chile (Santiago) Tel: (56)2 29382628 |